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Growing an eco-conscious community.

The Fruitful Community Foundation is at the forefront of initiating transformative environmental and social change across the greater Atlanta area. Our collaboration with local governments, educational institutions, and community stakeholders has been pivotal. We are connecting people back to the natural world by transforming public urban spaces into flourishing and abundant natural spaces. Our revitalized mission focuses on nurturing the next generation of earth stewards by educating and equipping them to tackle climate change proactively through our innovative climate resilient hubs.


​Through our GreenHive network, we are building an ecosystem of students, leaders, and eco-advocates who strive to combat climate change in small yet meaningful ways. By educating and empowering youth to build healthy and regenerative ecosystems, we are not only catalyzing a shift in the management of public urban landscapes but also growing the next generation of earth stewards to build a climate-resilient future, one square foot at a time. 
Our GreenHive Leadership Program cohorts hear from and develop relationships with industry leaders and local politicians, cultivate leadership skills, create land stewardship advocacy materials, and develop capstone project proposals that positively impact their community. Eco-advocates how to get involved in their local government to build climate solutions into local public policy and change public landscaping plans to more sustainable solutions. 
Our community outreach engages our GLP leaders to participate in community events to help teach about the importance of converting traditional landscapes into climate-smart Productive Urban Landscapes, pollinator gardens, and food forests through individualized, free educational programs. We also enjoy working with community champions to understand the needs of each of the communities we serve and tailor our program accordingly. ​


Achievements to Date

Our partnership with DeKalb County and numerous academic institutions has yielded significant accomplishments:


Establishment of Local Green Hive Contingents: These grassroots initiatives foster community-led environmental resilience


Development of Climate-Resilient Hubs at Libraries: We’ve helped transformed 7 libraries into centers of regenerative practices and education, serving as vital resources for community learning and engagement.


Educational Outreach: We have reached hundreds of constituents, providing them with critical knowledge and tools to effect meaningful environmental changes.


Regenerative Library Transition: A resolution passed to ensure all our libraries advance towards sustainability and resilience, reinforcing our commitment to long-term environmental stewardship.

Fruitful Community Friends

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Support the Fruitful Community Foundation and help grow the next generation of environmental leaders.
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